It is essential to ensure all ventilation systems remain reliable and operate correctly.
Keeping your smoke ventilation system in perfect condition is important and will save you money in the long term.
Our planned preventative maintenance packages are tailored to consider each building and its’ occupants.
A service agreement will also prolong the life of a system by ensuring that early signs of faults and wear and tear are actioned where necessary.
D+H UK is committed to ensuring the continued reliability of smoke ventilation systems and we are more than happy to work to / satisfy compliance in this area.

Specialist equipment requires specialist maintenance. Your fire alarm service agreement often will not include cover for the smoke ventilation system, so we would urge you to check.
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that maintenance of smoke ventilation systems is the responsibility of the building operators and owners. The responsible person for the building must ensure that smoke ventilation equipment is maintained to good working order, as well as being fit for purpose to safeguard the lives of people within the building.
These life-saving systems should be tested regularly to ensure correct operation – smoke control systems should be tested weekly. Under BS7346-8, the maintenance of smoke ventilation systems requires a minimum of an annual service check by suitably qualified and trained engineers. These engineers should also have access to the building’s smoke ventilation strategy.

We are active members of the Smoke Control Association and have third party certification under the IFC SDI 19 scheme, thus, are best placed to carry out your service and maintenance requirements. Our specialist engineers have significant experience across the range of system types, such as:
Mechanical shaft systems
Car park ventilation
Staircase pressurisation systems
Natural smoke ventilation systems
The technical ability of the D+H UK team ensures the highest level of expertise is widely available for any situation.

It is essential to ensure all smoke ventilation systems remain reliable and operate correctly.
A service agreement will prolong the life of a system by ensuring that early signs of faults and wear and tear are actioned where necessary. Our planned preventative maintenance packages are tailored to consider each building and its’ occupants.